Welcome to Inflatable Vegetables! We're an internet band that writes heavy songs about needlepoint, and love songs about cannibals. We wrote the song for SF Habitat for Humanity's recruiting video.
We're on Rock the Lup volume IX to raise funds for the Lupus Research Alliance.
We're trying to help students at Yoobee School of Design. See the Yoobee page!
Inflatable Music
The plan is: 10 songs in the playlist. Mostly songs that aren't posted somewhere else. We'll constantly try to replace songs with new, better songs. It's an experiment.
inflatable music

Every 10 days or so...
Get a title. Write a song. Think it's great. Reviews say it's not.
NPR's Tiny Desk Contest
JAN 14-29
Send in a video, along with 7000 other people. 1 artist will do a 30 minute concert @ NPR.
Write 14 songs in 28 days. Reviews say it's great, even if it's weak, dawg.
Nur Ein!
Get a title and a challenge. Write a song. Hope the judges like it. Try not to get eliminated.
Write 50 songs in 90 days.